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About Us

We’re clipping path professionals with hand-drawn & pixel-perfect retouching at scale. From ecommerce sellers to product photographers, you get cost-friendly ecommerce product photo editing services.

We collaborate with 100+ leading Ecommerce and Photography Studios

How we can take your Business to the Next Level

We help ecommerce companies and post-production studios produce exceptional product photos through our hand-drawn, high-quality, and affordable photoshop services.

150+ Designer

We have over 150+ expert designers who specialize in professional photoshop services. Don’t leave the success of your business to chance. Let the pros handle your photo editing needs.

5000+ happy clients

Trusted by over 5,000 satisfied clients from all over the world. We are proud and humbled to say that our clients love our photo editing work. We send them on time, every single time.

24/7 high quality and quick image editing services

We are available 24/7. You can reach us anytime and anywhere so you don’t experience needless delays. We value your time. We won’t keep you waiting. Contact us now.

10 Years of EXPERIENCE

Our team of highly-trained photo editors have over 10 years of experience under their belt and are constantly learning new editing tools and skills — all so we can serve you better.

Quality Assurance

Get consistent & high-quality images within an estimated time that sell in every format you need. Even if you’ve bulk shots, professional retouchers complete every edit edge by edge.

21,900,00+ Images Processed

We’ve been at it for years. We’ve done a wide range of photo editing projects from background removal, ghost mannequin effect, color correction, photo retouching, image masking, shadow masking, etc.
We focus on providing exceptional photo editing work to help you skyrocket your sales or close more contracts.

The Journey of CPS

Clipping Path Studio brings unprecedented speed, control, and quality to image post-production.

December, 2011

CPS is Founded

After many ups and downs, our organization was launched by 4 determined entrepreneurs

Official name was adopted

The polynym ‘Clipping Path Studio (CPS)’ resembled our services among various options.

January, 2012

February, 2012

First Office Space

To target international clients and offer seamless service, we officially start off.

Hired 10 Employees

We got some hard-working people to manage official activities under different units.

March, 2012

April, 2012

1st Client signed

Took some time but hard work paid off; we signed a deal with our first foreign client.

Categorized offered services

We started getting appreciative responses from clients & so included some more services.

June, 2012

December, 2013

Signed 100th Client!

We touched our first landmark! It wasn’t easy but people trusting us is worth mentioning.

Started donating 5% of Revenue

This is our humanitarian plan. We do this not to brag, but to express gratitude.

April, 2016

May, 2017

Hired 100th Employee

We believe our employees are assets. Efficient employees can serve first-class service.

Shifted to a big building

To expand our office space, we moved on to a 4-story building with 300+ employees.

January, 2020

Boost Your Business With Clipping Path Studio!

Contact us now with one of our retouching specialists to discuss your image and post-production requirements. Request a FREE TRIAL or QUOTE to experience our image editing services.