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Want a pixel-perfect Image Editing solution with the quickest turnaround? Whatever the complexity level, Calculate your affordable pricing structure.

Clipping Path

Our clipping path service is e-business oriented, and the service includes fine-drawn manual Photoshop clipping path service by professionals. We ensure faster, cost-effective, and easy-to-order service.

What's Included

  • Fast Turnaround
  • Budget-friendly
  • Quick Response 24/7
  • High-quality Images


A simple clipping path is for images of round, rectangular, and small curved-shaped, requiring a single path & a straight curve. For example, wheels, books, balls, plates, etc.

Simple Clipping Path

$0.29 /Per photo


Medium clipping path requires more focus and contains designs, holes, and anchor points in the images. This service applies to bracelets, group shoes or rings, etc.

Hard Clipping Path

$1.49 /Per photo


When images have more designs, shapes, curves, and holes, we treat them as complex. The service includes the chain, jewelry, group people, etc.

Complex Clipping Path

$7 /Per photo

Background Removal

Background removal of your image involves removing unwanted background objects. Unwanted objects in a photo distract buyers or potential customers, especially images with unwanted backgrounds. See our background removal low rates in different categories.

What's Included

  • Fast Turnaround
  • Budget-friendly
  • Quick Response 24/7
  • High-quality Images


Simple removal implies a single path, straight curves, shape, solid body, and no holes in images. It applies to round and rectangular images such as plates, rings, mobile, etc.

Simple Background Removal

$0.29 /Per photo


Medium removal means few straight curves, anchor points, not many holes, and a bit complex shape. Medium removal applies to such as watches, earrings, and clothes.

Hard Background Removal

$1.49 /Per photo


Complex service includes curves, anchor points, complex body shapes, and holes. Also, it includes diagonal-shaped products such as jewelry, trees, fabrics, and more.

Complex Background Removal

$7 /Per photo

Multi Clipping Path

The multi-clipping path includes working in multiple layers, and this work is more time-consuming, from simple to complex clipping path. Our clipping work is proven excellent. So, here are our pricing categories under the multi-clipping path.

What's Included

  • Fast Turnaround
  • Budget-friendly
  • Quick Response 24/7
  • High-quality Images


Simple multi-clipping path means the editing includes only 2-5 layers of work with straight curves. The service applies to rectangular, small curved shaped, and round images.

Simple Multi Clipping Path

$2 /Per photo


Medium multi-clipping path includes 6-8 layers while editing multiple paths, holes, and more anchor points. The service applies to watches, rings, foods, and motor parts.

Hard Multi Clipping Path

$4 /Per photo


Complex path defines more layers here for editing, paths, holes in images with complex, compound shapes, and designs curves. Service applies to jewelry, furniture, and more.

Complex Multi Clipping Path

$10 /Per photo

Shadow Making

Keeping natural shadows and removing other parts of the photo is challenging. So, you can take our service for the shadow-making service. So, here is our pricing structure for shadow-making.

What's Included

  • Fast Turnaround
  • Budget-friendly
  • Quick Response 24/7
  • High-quality Images


Simple shadow making defines keeping natural shadow and removing background using Photoshop filter. Keeping shadows gives the focused subject a natural, realistic look.

Simple Shadow Making

$0.3 /Per photo


Medium shadow makes the natural shadow while using the Photoshop brush tool according to the subject. The shadow makes the light source natural and makes the subject look 3D.

Hard Shadow Making

$0.5 /Per photo


Complex shadow works on keeping both the reflection and shadow of the subjects. Complex shadow-making service makes the subject looks more natural and realistic here.

Complex Shadow Making

$0.7 /Per photo

Image Masking

When you need to edit out the image background and you require providing a realistic feel to your image, then our service would be an immense help. Here is our pricing structure for the image masking service.

What's Included

  • Fast Turnaround
  • Budget-friendly
  • Quick Response 24/7
  • High-quality Images


Simple image masking requires one applicable focused image and the editing here is easier. The subject color and background color are solid and different here.

Simple Image Masking

$0.6 /Per photo


Medium image masking is for the several subjects in the image. Subject color and background color get solid here, and editing is more difficult than one subject task.

Hard Image masking

$1.2 /Per photo


Complex image masking is a multiple-focused subject. The background color and image color become identical. This is quite a time-consuming task to do.

Complex image masking

$2.5 /Per photo

Photo Retouching

Need to edit your face’s blemishes or wrinkles? Our photo retouching service provides better editing service for the photo retouching service. Here are some of our pricing structures for photo retouching.

What's Included

  • Fast Turnaround
  • Budget-friendly
  • Quick Response 24/7
  • High-quality Images


Simple photo retouching only removes the focused subject’s pimples and wrinkles. This is the right option for you if you need little or little retouching work.

Simple Photo Retouching

$0.6 /Per photo


If your images require more retouching work, this is the right option. This retouching option removes pimples and wrinkles and adjusts lighting, exposures, and color tone.

Hard Photo Retouching

$1.99 /Per photo


This retouching option removes pimples and wrinkles, adjusts lighting, and exposures, fixes color tone, and makes the image more realistic and beautiful.

Complex Photo Retouching

$3.99 /Per photo

Ghost Mannequin

When you need to edit your product’s neck joint or remove the image’s dome, our editing service can easily do the joint neck service. Here are our pricing structures for the mannequin service.

What's Included

  • Fast Turnaround
  • Budget-friendly
  • Quick Response 24/7
  • High-quality Images


This simple neck joint service includes adding only the neck part and removing the domes. This is important for e-commerce websites for their clean product display.

Simple Ghost Mannequin

$0.6 /Per photo


We fit the neck at the right point here, which requires extra work. We do the symmetric on left-right and top-bottom to make the image worthwhile for the e-commerce website.

Hard Ghost Mannequin

$0.99 /Per photo


Complex service fits the back and front parts of the focused subject. In addition, placing the subject on the right points while providing a realistic 3D feel to the image.

Complex Ghost Mannequin

$1.5 /Per photo

Color Correction

If you are in need of color correction work on your images, here is our color correction service and what it features with different categories of pricing. Choose the one you need.

What's Included

  • Fast Turnaround
  • Budget-friendly
  • Quick Response 24/7
  • High-quality Images


Simple work includes only a single color correction and one texture. It’s for single-color images. We need to know your custom color and do the rest of the work.

Simple Color Correction

$0.99 /Per photo


Medium correction requires multiple color correction that includes multiple textures, and we work with mix colored images. Let us know the custom color; we will do the rest.

Hard Color Correction

$1.99 /Per photo


Complex color correction fixes the various exposures on the product. It requires removing dull color from the subject’s skin and gives it a real feel. It’s time-consuming.

Complex color correction

$2.5 /Per photo


Turnaround Time

Level of Complexity


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Photo editing prices by Clipping Path Studio

Photo Editing Prices by Clipping Path Studio

You’ve stepped onto the perfect platform if you want high-quality photos that convert.

The prices for image editing services we provide are AFFORDABLE, HIGH-QUALITY, and done by professionals.

Just tell us what you need, and the work will be Delivered FAST, within your BUDGET.

Get images that Engage & Attract clients and Bring clicks. Now, high-end Photo Editing Services are right here for you.