How to Make a Pure White Background in Photoshop – A Step-by-Step- Tutorial

Photography is an inseparable part of the business. Be it online or offline, no one can deny the necessity of photography. For the e-commerce business, it’s even more important. You can call photography the pillar of e-commerce. So the better the photography, the more elegant the business becomes.

One of the basics of e-commerce photography is having a pure white background. So, knowing how to make a pure white background in photoshop is a must if you want to survive the e-commerce world. Whether you want it or not, you’ll have to apply a perfectly white background often to your images.

Why Do You Need a Pure White Background?

In the e-commerce world, pure white background is essential for so many reasons. No matter what kind of product you sell, you’ll need to apply pure white color as the background at some point. Among so many reasons, here are some why you will need a pure white background –

  1. Sometimes online store demands perfect white background. So, to fulfill the requirement, you might apply this effect.
  2. Using pure white background helps to keep consistency in your images. Also, it’s formal and universal.
  3. White background helps to keep the attention on the product only.
  4. It’s easier to upload and download because of the optimized file size.
  5. The white background shows the original color of the image because there is no effect from other colors. 
  6. Using white background is super cost-effective.
  7. It’s minimalist, simple, and clean.

How to Make a Pure White Background In Photoshop – Step-by-Step

To make a pure white background, at first, you’ll have to separate the subject from the background. To do that, we’ll select the subject and make the selection as accurate as possible. Then, we’ll mask the subject and add a solid color layer as a background.

Check the process in detail –

Step 1: Duplicate Layer

Go to the Layer menu. Right-click on the background layer and click on Duplicate Layer. We have made this extra layer so that we can use it later if necessary.

Duplicate Layer

Step 2: Make Selection

Now, from the toolbar, select Quick Selection Tool. 

Select Quick Selection Tool

From the top menu, click on Select Subject.

Click on select subject

This will select the subject of your image.

Select your images

There is a chance that this selection might not be perfect. So, you’ll have to work on this. On the top menu, there is an option to change the brush size.

Select your images

Now, to include any area in the selection, just click there. And to exclude any area, press alt on the keyboard and then click on the area. Then finalize your selection.

Area in the selection

Step 3: Refine Edges

Press Ctrl+Alt+R to open Refine image. There you’ll find options to adjust the selection. You can change the contrast, smoothness by shifting the slider.

Refine in the edges

When you’re done, select Layer Mask from the Output option.

select layer mask

Step 4: Solid Color

From the Adjustment Layer menu, select Solid Color.

solid color

A box will pop up. Select white color from the color palette.

Step 5: Layer Placement

Place the Layer below the Background Copy Layer.

Layer placement

Step 6: Save the Image

Go to File and select Save As to save the file.

Save As to save the image

How Do You Know If Your Background is Pure White?

After creating a white background, you might need to check if the background is actually white. Sometimes it looks white but it’s not pure white. So to check that, you’ll have to follow some steps –

  1. From the toolbar, take the Eyedropper Tool.
Pick the Eyedropper Tool
  1. Now press Shift on your keyboard and click anywhere on the image. This will show an info box where you’ll find the value of RGB color.
RGB color
  1. Now, move the dropper to the background and check the values of R, G & B. The info will show the values of the point where ever you shift the dropper.
Values of R, G & B

Get a White Background for Your Images Professionally

Turning the background in white is not much of a tough job, but to do it perfectly might require experience. Also, if the amount of images is big, then it’s difficult to do that all alone. For that, there are several photo editing services that are available.

Clipping Path Studio is one of the most trusted and reliable services that are available right now. They have experienced hands who provide professional-level background removal services every time without breaking the consistency. They offer a free trial for the first time too. So, you have the opportunity to check if you can take their words seriously.

Background Removal Services With an Affordable Price.

Get Free Trial


Why pure white background is cost-effective?

The pure white background is easy to shoot. You can do it using just one lightbox. There is no need to think or spend on different backgrounds and maintaining them.

Can background remover AI make a perfectly white background?

The pure white background is easy to shoot. You can do it using just one lightbox. There is no need to think or spend on different backgrounds and maintaining them.

What tool I can use to check if the background is perfectly white?

You can check the background color with the Eye Dropper Tool. After taking the tool, if you press the Shift button and click anywhere on the image at a time, it’ll show the value of that point.

Where to hire photoshop experts to put white background while doing bulk images?

You can find sites online that offer editing services like the pure white background. One of the best editing service providers is Clipping Path Studio. You can expect professional work from them and this is a great place to have bulk images done.

Does pure white background go with any kind of product?

Yes, it does. You can put a clean white background on every product image that exists. And this is not just an effect, this is also a requirement in many online sites.

Outsource Photo Editing, Easily.


About the Author

Luis Ryan
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Luis Ryan


Graphic Designer, Writer

Luis Ryan is a skilled graphic designer who helps clients of marketing and advertising agencies with his creativity in designing enormous expertise in photoshop. Before starting a professional career, Ryan has completely grasped Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and thus he is determined to become a versatile designer for clients.

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Pixel-perfect Image Editing Solution for Ecommerce