How to Remove Glare from Glasses in Photoshop – Easy and Quick Method

Photo editing industry has now become as popular as photography itself is. No images can be approved to publish online without the minimum editing. This is even truer for e-commerce businesses. They deal with different kinds of images and often face unique conditions of images.

Having glare on glass is a common issue that photographers face with their images. It looks really odd and ruins the beauty of an image. It’s difficult to survive the e-commerce world without knowing how to remove glare from glasses in photoshop.

Let’s go through this step-by-step tutorial to learn – how to remove glasses glare in photoshop.

How to Remove Glare from Glasses in Photoshop?

Removing glare from an image might look tough, but it isn’t at all. If you just follow the steps below, you’ll be able to do it easily too. Check these steps –

Step 1: Open

Go to File and click on Open to open the file you want to work on.

Step 2: Solid Color Layer

Click on New Adjustment Layer and select Solid Color.

Solid Color Layer

Select the Gray color. We’re doing this to work with the light of the glare area.

Select the Gray color

Change the Blend Mode to Color.

Change the Blend Mode to Color.

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Step 3: Click on Curve

Select the Background Layer.

Select the Background Layer.

Again, from the Adjustment Layer, select Curves.

From the Adjustment Layer, select Curves.

Now, drag the middle point below to make the glaring part more visible.

Drag the middle point below to make the glaring part more visible

Step 4: Invert the Curves

Now, invert the Curves. To do that, make sure you’re on the Curves Layer and then press Ctrl+I. It’ll change the Layer to black.

Invert the Curves

Step 5: Brush Tool (B)

From the toolbar, select the Brush Tool.

Select the Brush Tool

Look at the top menu, you’ll find an option called Flow. Set the flow to a lower level like 3% or 4%.

Set the flow to a lower level

Now Brush the glare area with a black color to make it darken.

Brush the glare area

Step 6: New Layer

Add a new Layer by clicking on the plus sign from the Layer menu. Name the Layer as ‘Dodge & Burn’. We’re naming the layers just to keep track of the work.

Add a new Layer

Step 7: Select the Brush Tool

From the toolbar pick the Brush tool. Now, correct the area where it’s needed. What I mean here is, if there is any area which you feel has become more white or black, correct the area by brushing with black or white color where necessary.

Pick the Brush tool

Step 8: New Layer

Add a new Layer by clicking on the Plus sign from the Layer menu. Name it as ‘Remove Glare

Add a new Layer

Turn off the Color Layer.

Turn off the Color Layer.

Step 10: Pick the Eye Dropper Tool (I)

Select the Eyedropper Tool from the Toolbar.

Pick the Eye Dropper Tool

From the top menu, select sample as ‘Current & Below
And sample size to 3 by 3 Average.

Step 11: Brush

Take the Brush Tool. Set the Blend Mode to Color.

Take the Brush Tool. Set the Blend Mode to Color.
Set the Blend Mode to Color

Step 12: Paint

Now, you’ll have to paint the area by giving a sample of which color you want to get. To take a sample, press the Alt button and click on the sample area.

Here, keep this in mind, you should take samples from the nearest clear point of the area you’re going to brush.

Paint the area

After taking a sample, brush on the glare area.

Step 13: Spots Correction

Now, if you still have some odd spots, you’ll have to correct them. You can do it by using either Spot Healing Tool or Healing Brush Tool.

Select Spot Healing Tool for Spots correction

Select the Background Layer. Now take the Tool (Spot Healing Brush or Healing Brush) and Brush it on the area you need to correct. To use the Healing Brush Tool, you’ll have to give a sample by pressing Alt on your keyboard.

Step 14: Save the Image

Save the Image

Go to File and click on Save As. Save the file in both JPEG and PSD formats.

How to Feather Edges in Photoshop

Get Perfectly Removed Lens Glare (reflection, shine) from Your Photo

It’s not as complicated to remove glare from an image as it looks like. Anyone can do it at home. But it requires practice to produce a perfect glare-free image. When you have tons of images to correct, maybe you don’t have the time to edit it all by yourself.

No need to worry about having high-quality images. Clipping Path Studio is a top-notch platform that provides photo editing services. Our high-quality services have satisfied countless clients and are still going on. There is no chance of regretting trying them as we offer free trials too.

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How to Remove Glasses Glare in Photoshop – Final Thought

Images with glare, be it portrait or product photography, is not acceptable if you want to count the image as professional. By removing glare perfectly, you’ll take your images to the next level, and this is what will represent your brand at the end of the day.

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Amy Grace


Commercial Photographer, Writer

Amy Grace has been engaged in commercial photography for a long time. She has enough proficiency and skill set in photography and has nailed the task up to the mark and has helped a lot of entrepreneurs create a brand. Aside from photography, Amy has passion for travelling.

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