Amazon Product Image Requirements – A Detailed Guideline

E-commerce business has spread its branches worldwide. It is permeating nearly everywhere and making it more advantageous for people to get products. One of the best platforms for e-commerce businesses is Amazon.

Millions of sellers exhibit their products in 36 product categories of Amazon. On average, it sells over $410 million every day. A portion of thanks goes to the high-quality images. According to a report, over 70% of consumers decide to purchase a product based on its online image.

Amazon has its own unique set of specifications regarding image. Sellers must follow Amazon image requirements as high-quality images influence clients to purchase the product and increase sales. It is both competitive and tricky.

So, what does Amazon do?

About Amazon

Amazon is one of the earth’s most customer-centric companies. With having the determination to earn and retain customer’s trust as the main driving force, its service excels in every way possible.

The company is having commercial dominance by coming up with the newest ideas and implementing the best ones that benefit customers the most. Now, customers from any part of the world find Amazon a reliable and upstanding company as they can get anything and everything of their needs both online and in person.

About Amazon

Apart from making clients content, Amazon is partnering up with thousands of small and medium businesses and thus assisting them to grow by delivering products to clients’ doorstep all over the world. A report shows that Amazon marketplace has accumulated more than 5 million sellers.

Being one big e-commerce family and operating businesses in a lot of countries across the globe, Amazon has gained skyrocketed popularity among both sellers and shoppers. With established seller centers in 10 countries, fulfillment centers in 13 countries, call centers in 5 countries, the company serves the clients of more than 180 countries.

How does Amazon do it? The company makes sure all the sellers stick to its specific requirements, one of which is the photo dimension. Amazon has a set of image guidelines including size, color, and so on for its sellers, and sellers are not to violate those.

What Does Amazon Products Listing Say?

Want to showcase your product on Amazon product listings?
Among several factors, focus on images.
The seller central directly mentions the fact that all images must meet Amazon’s image standards.

Amazon products listing

That means you are authorized to submit digital images that solely focus on your products and are completely devoid of logos, marks, text, graphics, etc.

Let’s go through the elaborate discussion for optimizing product image and its dimension in Amazon.

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Amazon Product Image Categories

Amazon has a set of specifications while collecting product photos. So, the sellers who wish their products to be in this store have to follow through with this.

We can differentiate such images into 2 categories. Those are-

Main Image

Amazon main image

The primary or the first image that displays the product with details appears in search results, in browse pages, and in the thumbnail. Without the main images, other images won’t appear.


Additional Images

For clients’ better understanding, Amazon requires several images of products. Sellers can upload up to 9 images. However, 7 images are displayed. Aside from the ‘MAIN’ image, the rest are additional images that show different sides of the product.

Amazon additional images

Quality images do matter. So, upload those product photos only that conform to Amazon requirements and demonstrate your products way better. Make sure those are not blurry to look at or do not damage after zooming; as well as lucrative enough and distinctively focusing the product.


Amazon Product Image Requirements

General Specifications (Applicable for all images)

  • Images must showcase only the product to be sold.
  • Product features needed to be shown.
  • Images have to match the title of the products.
  • Even though JPEG (.jpg) is preferred format, however, Amazon accepts TIFF (.tif) or GIF (.gif) file formats.

For Main Images

Main Image, also known as ‘Hero Image’, will display only a single product. So, it should be focused on impeccably. None but the white background is allowed. For such images, only photos taken by a professional are acceptable. Main images should have no graphics or illustrations.


  • Any Amazon logos or trademarks, variations, or something like these.
  • Amazon used badges or similar, including – “Amazon’s Choice,” “Premium Choice,” “Amazon Alexa,” “Works with Amazon Alexa,” “Best Seller,” or “Top Seller.”
  • Blurry, pixelated, or jagged edges images.
  • Images covering less than 85% of the frame.
  • Indecent or offensive images.

Main image for Single Product

Image requirements for clothing product
  • Shoes – Main image has to consist of a single shoe facing 45-degree to the left.
  • Clothing – Have to be photographed by a model. Models must be standing. However, it is not required for baby clothing. Kid and baby clothing should be off without a model, on a flat white background.






  • Having other backgrounds (RGB below 255)
  • Any graphics, watermarks, text, logo, color blocks, border, inset image on the top or background of the image. 
  • Multiple images of a single product 
  • Abruptly cropped images of the product for sale (except jewelry) 
  • Images with distracting proppings 
  • Images of products in package, or brand or swing tags. 
  • Showing mannequin (except socks) 
  • Kids and baby swimwear, leotards with models. 

For Additional Images

Along with the above-mentioned conditions –

  • Additional images are allowed to help describe the use or scale of the product.
  • Such images can be cropped if necessary.
  • Close up shots can be taken and swatch images can be added for these images.
  • For a better view, background and environments are permitted.
  • Amazon allows text and graphics for such images.
  • Using video has a great impact and that will be placed 7th in Amazon product image’s slider.

Amazon Image Size Requirements: Technical Prerequisite

Amazon only accepts photos that meet its set of specific requirements. Amazon ensures the best product services to clients. To do that, it requires its sellers to showcase their product in their best light to convince customers.

Needless to say, the vital role of the image when it comes to persuasion. So, a standard should be maintained as a must.

That’s why, when you have decided to submit your product images to Amazon, ensure the factors noted below. These apply to all images.

Technical prerequisite for image submission at Amazon at a glance:

Product Image File Name

File names must consist of- 

  1. Product identifier (Amazon ASIN, 13-digit ISBN, EAN, JAN, or UPC).  
  2. A period and the appropriate file extension. 

Let us elaborate. 

Before sending to Amazon, sellers have to name their product image as given below. 

1. Product Identifier

Product identifiers include – 

  • ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Number)
  • ISBN-13 (International Standard Book Number)
  • EAN (European Article Number)
  • JAN (Japanese Article Number)
  • UPC (Universal Product Code)

Do not use spaces, dashes, or similar additional characters. These block photos from uploading. 

2. 4-Character Variant 

The type of images can be understood through the variant code. Valid variants codes of 4 characters are shown as below (bold one)- 

  • Main image: MAIN
  • Piece shots: PT01, PT02
  • Interior Shots: IN01, IN02
  • Environmental Images: EV01, EV01

3. File Extension 

File extension indicates file type, for example- jpg/jpeg, tif/tiff. Images should be converted to JPEG or TIFF format at first. 

Image File Format

Amazon accepts none but 4 formats as follows- 

  1. TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
  2. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  3. GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) & 
  4. PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

When exhibiting the product images on the website, Amazon compresses them. So it is wise not to compress the original ones, or low compression if needed. JPEG images should be saved at their highest quality. And for TIFF files, applying no compression is suggested. 

Product Image Size

Amazon specifically recommends submitting product images that have pixel dimensions of 1000 or larger in either height or width. 

However, if you need to enable the zoom feature for your product images, then upload images that are no less than 1,600 pixels on the longest side. Amazon limits this measurement up to 10,00p0 pixels on the longest side. 

Remind yourself of the aspect ratio of Amazon product photos. Amazon recommended ratio for images 1:1 or square image.  Proportion is a crucial element for the main image. Accurate proportion can bring a high conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), etc. 

Color Mode

Images must be placed on a white background. Using a different color or any background is not permitted. 

Use Amazon granted color mode, which is sRGB or CMYK

How to take the best shots for Amazon Photo? 

How to take the best shots for Amazon Photo

As an Amazon seller, you have to abide by the rules of image requirements for your products. Having said that, you have to capture your picture cautiously and ensure those facts Amazon mentioned. 

Now that you know what you have to do; let us enlighten you by describing how to do it. 

After analyzing numerous perspectives of product photography, we, Clipping Path Studio, have come up with some tips that will contribute to creating some best shots for Amazon. 


Check these out. 

Image Size and Quality

As Amazon allows you to submit images from 1000 pixels up to 10000 pixels, so it is wise to take advantage of this. Don’t use images of a low quality which might end up pixelated! Quality of images makes the actual difference between making the clients click or scroll past the product. 

In consideration of the main image, Amazon has different “safe zones” for different platforms for peoples’ convenience. Amazon uses 3 versions of images to support those platforms. Those are-

Phone Image

Tablet Image

Desktop Image

Image width of 1242px Image width of 2560px Image width of 3000px
Resolution 3x Resolution 2x Resolution 2x
Product in the image 960px Product in the image 1260px Product in the image 1800px
JPG or PNG only JPG or PNG only JPG or PNG only
File size maximum 500KB File size maximum 500KB File size maximum 500KB


Submit your images that have the best pixel dimensions. It enables your viewer to zoom the images and have a closer look at the product you are going to sell. Research shows that zoom has helped increase sales significantly. So, don’t let yourself fall behind. 

Photography Lighting 

Photography Lighting 

Light has its individual essence. Your product images have to be lucrative and approachable for clients to come towards it. 

Thus, a tiny yet predominant portion banks on the lightning. It changes the entire atmosphere of the image and makes the image more appealing. Have a proper light set-up before taking the exact shot. 

Lens and Background 

Using a camera with a high-resolution lens has an efficacious output. You will get superb quality images and it won’t be ruined while zooming in and out. 

Put your product on a white background with a frontside or making it as visible as possible in the image. The more detailed a product is, the more approachable it would be.

Also Read, How to Outsource Photo Editing for Ecommerce

Other Perspective 

You have already gathered enough ideas for the main image or the focus image. Let’s have clarifications of additional images as well. 

Your additional images are no less important than the main one. Leave no stone unturned while keeping up the professional work. Your main image almost completely displays the product.  

The additional images function as showing other sides of the products like the front, back, sides, swatch images indicating color and pattern, how to use it, how it looks, or why it is required.

So, take the chance to communicate with your potential buyers with your additional images. Make sure to show your products from a real-life perspective, from different angles, showing infographic contents; if possible, add images of other people using it. 

Amazon infographic contents

In short, use additional images as a means of showing more than just the product. Such tactics are said to have brought a prolific outcome. 

Quit Exaggeration

Neither verbose nor excess graphics is required in the hero image of Amazon. You can add informative content, graphics, amazon a+ content or infographic, or video to elaborate your product for the additional images. Whatever you do, don’t overdo it. 

Make It Professional 

You are obviously aware of photography post production. Consider outsourcing photo editing services as well. Final touch-ups like color correction, retouching, cropping, etc. will add value to create a professional look and enhance your images up to Amazon level

Split Testing

Split testing, also known as A/B testing. It is a method of comparing the best shot that increases sales. 

Your main image should be very captivating and magnetize customers so that you don’t lose any sales. But among your main images, which one would work the best? 

To know this answer, conduct a split test for your images and get reviews of real shoppers. 

FAQs on Amazon Product Photo Requirements

What is the best image size for Amazon?

As per Amazon’s requirements, any image that is more than 1,000 pixels is acceptable. However, zoom enabled superior quality images are considered the best size for Amazon. 

How many images are there on the Amazon listing?

Amazon allows 7 images in their listing. One main image and the rest 6 are additional images. However, Amazon sellers are permitted to upload up to 9 images. 

What is Amazon’s picture policy?

It is a set of requirements that are instructed by Amazon which should be followed by the sellers willing to sell their product there. 

Can Amazon photos detect duplicates?

Yes. Amazon’s image recognition software has the ability to detect duplicate images. So, using original images for product photography is highly suggested. 

What is Amazon Machine Image?

Amazon machine image or AMI is a component that contains information to launch a virtual server in the Amazon Cloud. It is required for creating a virtual machine within EC2 instances in the Amazon Web Services (AWS). 

What is Swatch Image on Amazon?

Swatch images are the one that manifest color or pattern of the product. Shoppers can learn details of a product by swatch images. For example- if it is a t-shirt, swatch images help shoppers to understand its colors, fabrics, stitch etc. better. 

What is Amazon’s hero image? 

The main image or the first image that is displayed everywhere is known as hero image. 


Final Verdict 

Being one of the best-selling platforms, Amazon brings variations in its product image guidelines at times. However, the fundamentals are similar in most cases. 

To compete against others and stand a better chance, make your images super captivating. It will convince your customers to believe that you have the best products with quality assurance. 

Don’t limit yourself. 

Consider different points of view of your customers. And then reply to all those through your images. Make sure your 7 images provide a 360-degree view as a whole. 

Best of luck with your doing business out there on Amazon!

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Jacob Wyatt


Content Marketing Manager, Writer

Jacob Wyatt is the head of the Content Marketing Department at Clipping Path Studio, one of the best platforms providing photo editing solutions 24/7. He specializes in writing and marketing. He manages multiple tasks like fine-tuning content, optimizing content suitable for social media, ecommerce, photography, team management, and so on at a time given that he is the head of the department.

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Pixel-perfect Image Editing Solution for Ecommerce