How to Change Background Color in Photoshop for E-commerce

Changing the background color of an image in Photoshop can significantly alter its appearance and create a more impactful visual experience. For graphic designers, photographers, and digital artists, being able to manipulate background colors in Photoshop is a crucial skill. Whether they want to make subtle adjustments or create more complex visual effects using advanced blending modes, this post will provide a comprehensive guide for achieving stunning results.

How to Change Background Color in Photoshop – Step-by-Step Tutorial

One of Photoshop’s most common tools for changing background colors is the Quick Selection tool. This tool is ideal for making quick and precise selections around the subject, which can then be used to replace the background color. 

Another powerful tool is the Object Selection tool, which makes it easy to select the entire object within the image and apply a new background color. 

The Magic Wand tool can select areas based on color and tone for more intricate selections. By adjusting the tool’s settings, users can achieve precise selections and change the background color to their liking. With these different tools, users can experiment with different methods and choose the one that best suits their needs.

Why Should You Replace the Background of a Photo Using Photoshop? 

There are countless reasons why changing the background of a photo in Photoshop can elevate your work to new heights. Here are just a few:

  • Swap out a plain or unappealing background for something more eye-catching and visually interesting.
  • Remove unwanted or distracting elements from an image to create a cleaner, more polished look.
  • Create composite images by blending multiple photos or elements into one cohesive image.
  • Add a unique touch to personal photos, such as vacations or family photos, to make them stand out.
  • Enhance the look and feel of product photos, making them more appealing to potential customers.
  • Create attention-grabbing graphics for social media or other digital platforms that stand out.
  • Achieve a professional and polished look demonstrating your skills and attention to detail.

With the ability to change backgrounds in Photoshop, the possibilities are truly endless. So why settle for a plain or boring background when you can create something truly remarkable and visually stunning?

How to Change Background Color in Photoshop Using The Subject Select tool 

Changing the background of an image in Photoshop using the Select Subject tool is one of the easiest and most efficient methods. This tool uses advanced AI technology to find the main subject in an image automatically. This makes the process of selecting and masking much faster and more accurate. 

Step 1: Open the Image in Photoshop and Duplicate the Background Layer

Open the Image in Photoshop

To change the background of an image using the Select Subject tool, the first step is to open the image in Photoshop and duplicate the background layer. This ensures the original image remains intact and any changes are made on a separate layer. To duplicate the background layer, right-click on the layer and select “Duplicate Layer.”

Duplicate layer

Step 2: Select the Subject Using the Select Subject Tool

Next, select the Select Subject tool from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. Advanced AI technology is used by the Select Subject tool to find and select an image’s main subject automatically. Click on the object you want to select, and Photoshop will automatically create a selection around it.

Selection tool
select subject

Step 3: Remove the Background

With the subject selected and the edges refined, remove the background by creating a layer mask. Click on the Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers panel to create a mask that hides the background.

Remove the Background

Step 4: Add a New Background

Create a new layer underneath the subject layer and choose a new background color or image.

Add a New Background

With the new layer selected, use the Paint Bucket tool to fill the layer with the chosen color or drag and drop a new background image onto the layer.

paint bucket tool
Use the Paint Bucket tool

Step 5: Refine the Object

Finally, refine the subject’s edges by using a layer mask to hide any unwanted areas of the subject that may have been selected during the process. This ensures that the subject appears seamlessly blended into the new background.

Refine the Object

How To Cut Out An Image In Photoshop – Easy Methods

How to Change Background Using The Quick Selection Tool?

Step 1: Open the Image in Photoshop and Duplicate the Background Layer

To replace the background of an image in Photoshop, the first step is to open the image and duplicate the background layer. This will allow you to work on a separate layer without permanently changing the original image. To duplicate the background layer, right-click on the layer and select “Duplicate Layer“.

Open the image in Photoshop and duplicate the Background Layer

Step 2: Select the Object using the Quick Selection Tool or the Object Selection Tool

Once the duplicate layer is created, the next step is to select the object using either the Quick Selection tool or the Object Selection tool. The Quick Selection tool is ideal for making quick selections around the subject, while the Object Selection tool is useful for selecting the entire object within the image. 

Select the Object using the Quick Selection Tool or the Object Selection Tool
Select the Object using the Quick Selection Tool or the Object Selection Tool

Step 3: Replace the Background

With the object selected, it’s time to replace the background. Create a new layer and place it underneath the object layer. Then, choose the desired color for the new background by selecting the Paint Bucket tool and clicking on the new layer.

Create a new layer to Replace the Background
Create new layer
create new layer
Paint Bucket tool
Color picker

Background Color Change – Before After

Background Color Change

How to Change Background Color in Photoshop Using The Object Selection Tool ?

Step 1: Open the Image in Photoshop and Duplicate the Background Layer

To remove and replace the background of an image in Photoshop using the Object Selection tool, the first step is to open the image and duplicate the background layer. This ensures that the original image remains intact and any changes are made on a separate layer. To duplicate the background layer, right-click on the layer and select “Duplicate Layer“.

Step 2: Select the Object Using the Object Selection Tool

Next, choose the Object Selection tool from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. Click and drag the tool around the object you want to select. The Object Selection tool automatically detects the object and creates a selection around it.

Step 3: Refine the Selection

Once the object is selected, refine the edges by going to Select > Select and Mask. Adjust the settings to smooth out the edges and make any necessary refinements.

Step 4: Remove the Background

With the object selected and the edges refined, remove the background by creating a layer mask. Click on the Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers panel to create a mask that hides the background.

Step 5: Add a New Background

Create a new layer underneath the object layer and choose a new background color or image. With the new layer selected, use the Paint Bucket tool to fill the layer with the chosen color or drag and drop a new background image onto the layer.

How to Remove Unwanted Objects in Photoshop

How to Change Background Color in Photoshop Using Magic Wand Tool?

Step 1: Open the Image in Photoshop and Duplicate the Background Layer

To replace the background of an image in Photoshop using the Magic Wand tool, the first step is to open the image and duplicate the background layer. This ensures the original image remains intact and any changes are made on a separate layer. To duplicate the background layer, right-click on the layer and select “Duplicate Layer“.

Step 2: Select the Magic Wand Tool

Once the duplicate layer is created, select the Magic Wand tool from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. The Magic Wand tool allows users to select areas based on color and tone.

Step 3: Make the Selection

Click on the background area you want to remove. The Magic Wand tool will select all areas of the same color and tone. If the selection is not precise enough, adjust the Tolerance setting in the Options bar until the desired area is selected.

Step 4: Refine the Selection

Once the object is selected, refine the edges by going to Select > Select and Mask. Adjust the settings to smooth out the edges and make any necessary refinements.

Step 5: Remove the Background

With the object selected and the edges refined, remove the background by creating a layer mask. Click on the Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers panel to create a mask that hides the background.

Step 6: Add a New Background

Create a new layer underneath the object layer and choose a new background color or image. With the new layer selected, use the Paint Bucket tool to fill the layer with the chosen color or drag and drop a new background image onto the layer.

Watch Video Tutorial

Why Changing Background in Photoshop Can Help in E-commerce

As e-commerce becomes increasingly competitive, businesses must find ways to stand out from the crowd. One powerful tool in achieving this goal is replacing the background of product photos in Photoshop. There are several benefits to this approach:

  • Increased Visual Appeal: Changing the background of an ecommerce photo can make the product stand out more in a crowded marketplace. By selecting an eye-catching background, businesses can attract more attention to their product and increase the chances of making a sale.
  • Consistency: By using the same background for all product photos, businesses can create a sense of consistency and cohesiveness throughout their online store. This helps to reinforce brand identity and build trust with customers.
  • Versatility: By replacing the background of a product photo, businesses can repurpose that image for different marketing materials, such as social media posts, email campaigns, or print materials.

Clipping path expert at Clipping Path Studio know how important it is for e-commerce businesses to have photos of their products that look good and are consistent. We’ve been changing the backgrounds of e-commerce photos for years, and we’ve helped many businesses stand out. 

Our team is skilled at selecting the perfect background to highlight the product and help it sell. With our background replacement services, businesses can take their e-commerce game to the next level and boost sales and customer satisfaction.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to change background color in Photoshop can be a valuable skill for anyone looking to enhance the visual appeal of their photos. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, users can easily replace a background using various powerful tools in Photoshop. Whether for personal photos or e-commerce product photos, changing the background can help create a more visually appealing and professional image. With practice, users can master this technique and take their creative skills to new heights. So don’t hesitate to give it a try and experiment with different backgrounds and images to create something truly remarkable.

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About the Author

Joshua Malik
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Joshua Malik


Photographer, Writer

Joshua is a photographer and editor with over 12 years of experience. He possesses strong technical skills that have enabled him to create and edit stunning content for beauty campaigns, fashion magazines, and book covers. His proficiency in photography and editing has earned him recognition in the industry.

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